
Laravel 9 Ecommerce is built in laravel 9 version and MySQL database for the backend. We are also using Livewire Package in this Laravel 9 version. It has different features for the user like a user can view all the categories, view all products under specifc category, filter the products by brand and price, select a product and select the quantity and select the color and add the product to his cart. The user can add multiple products in cart and wishlist. There are payment methods in the checkout page such as PayPal and COD.


Laravel 9 Ecommerce has various features listed below:

Customer Side:

  1. Login and Register
  2. View all Categories
  3. View all Products under specific categories.
  4. Filter all Products by Brands and Price.
  5. View a single product with an image and its details.
  6. Select a color for the specific product before adding it to the cart. 
  7. Product quantity increment/decrement before adding it to the cart.
  8. Add to Cart.
  9. Add to Wishlist.
  10. Display Cart Items.
  11. Display Wishlist Items.
  12. Checkout Page.
  13. Checkout Form validation before placing the order.
  14. Checkout Payments like - Online Paypal and COD.
  15. Mail Notification - User gets a Mail Notification once the order is placed. 
  16. User can view orders.
  17. User can view each order and its details (like - order status, etc)
  18. User Profile
  19. Change Password option

Admin Side:

  1. Category CRUD
  2. Product CRUD
    a. Add, Edit, Update, Delete Products
    b. Can add multiple images for the product.
    c. Can add 
    multiple colors for the product.
  3. Brand CRUD - these brands are linked with products
  4. Color CRUD - these colors are linked with products
  5. Slider CRUD
  6. Site Setting (Website Setting)
    a. Basic website details
    b. Social Media links which will be shown in frontend at footer area.
    c. Contact/Office Information links which will be shown in frontend at footer area. 
  7. User Management CRUD with Role
  8. Order Management
    a. View All Orders List
    b. Filter orders by date and order-status
    c. View each order with user & order details.
    d. Invoice - View each order invoice
    e. Invoice - Download each order invoice as PDF.
    f. Invoice - Mail each order Invoice.
    g. Order- Status - Update your order status (Eg. In-Porgress, Completed, Pending, Cancelled, etc).
  9. All Statistics on Dashboard
    a. Total Orders, Today Orders, this month order, this year order. 
    b. Products, Users, etc.

Note: Kindly configure you mail in this application to avoid error while send mail. (Like - send invoice, etc)

Post: Create Gmail App Password to configuration in your application .env file ( Click here )


Host : Localhost


PHP Version : 8 and above

Database : MySQL DB

Web Browser : Chrome, FireFox, Internet Explorer, MS Edge.

Note: Kindly configure you mail in this application to avoid error while send mail. (Like - send invoice, etc)

Post: Create Gmail App Password to configuration in your application .env file ( Click here )


  1. Extract the downloaded .zip file.
  2. Run the following command : "composer install" - to install the required packages.
  3. Setup Database in .env file.
  4. You will find a .sql file (DB) inside the public folder containing all the data shown in the video.
    You can import this .sql file in your database (if you are importing the .sql file, you can skip step 5). If you want a fresh database, you can skip Step 4.
  5. Run the migrate command: "php artisan migrate".
  6. The project is ready to run. Run the command: "php artisan serve" and you have your project running.

Note: Kindly configure you mail in this application to avoid error while send mail. (Like - send invoice, etc)

Post: Create Gmail App Password to configuration in your application .env file ( Click here )

After importing your .sql file in the database.

Admin Login Credentials: - 
Email Id: [email protected] 
Password: 12345678

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$69 $42

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Category Laravel > Laravel 9 Ecommerce Project with Livewire
First release 25 Oct 2022
Last update 23 Jul 2024
Files included .php, .js, .css, .json,
Tags laravel 9 ecommerce project
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