This Blogging application is built using Laravel Framework Version 8 and MySQL Database. It has many features in the Admin side like categories and posts CRUD. The Admin can manage his website settings like website name, logo, favicon and home page SEO details (meta title, keywords & description).
Laravel Blogging Application has various features listed below:
1. Display Category in Navbar (You can set categories to show and hide from admin dashboard)
2. Advertising Area given in Website.
3. Display Latest Posts in Home Page (10 Latest Posts)
4. Display Categories in Carousel/Slider (You can control what to show and hide from admin dashboard).
5. View Post - where post's content is visible with advertising area on the right side.
6. Add comment to post.
7. Delete comment
8. Login & Register
9. SEO friendly website.
Admin Side:
1. All Statistics on Dashboard (Total Categories, Total Posts, Total Users, Total Admins)
2. Categories CRUD with show and hide option.
3. Show and hide category in navbar.
4. Posts CRUD with show and hide option.
5. Users - Display registered user, view single user and edit his basic details and change his role.
6. Middleware Authentication Security
Host : Localhost
PHP Version : 5.6 and above
Database : MySQL DB
Web Browser : Chrome, FireFox, Internet Explorer, MS Edge.
- Extract the downloaded .zip file.
- Run the following command : "composer install" - to install the required packages.
- Setup Database in .env file.
- You will have a .sql file (DB) inside database folder containing all the data shown in the video. You can import this .sql file in your database (if you are importing the .sql file, you can skip step 5). If you want a fresh database, you can skip Step 4.
- Run the migrate command : "php artisan migrate".
- The project is ready to run. Run the command : "php artisan serve" and you have your project running.
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Category | Laravel > Laravel 8 Blogging Website |
First release | 24 Mar 2022 |
Last update | 08 Feb 2023 |
Files included | .php .js .css .sql .json .lock |
Tags | Laravel 8 Blogging website, blog website in laravel 8, laravel blog project, laravel 8 blog website source code. |